Since 2003, Asia Darts Association’s (or ADA, as it is familiarly known to players) aim is not only to create a fair and big international0 platform, but also a warm and big community for all the dart players around the world. ADA’s own signature tournament was no more than 300 people at the beginning, but through passion which gave us the energy to promote the sport of darts, the yearly tournament has now grown to over 1000 players from more than 20 countries. As a promoter of darts, we are glad to see so many new faces joining the community and old friends reuniting with them throughout these years. ADA has its roots in Hong Kong, but has expanded to other regions in the world, making a name for itself in the international scene. Besides from its own tournament, ADA have also been supporting and co-operating with many organizations from darts to charities. We hereby would like to thank all players, organizations, leaders and sponsors that have been supporting ADA for all these years. We will continue to strive for more success and create more memorable events for all players around the world. 亞洲飛鏢協會(ADA)成立于2003年,我們舉辦比賽的宗旨, 除了提供一個世界性公平的飛鏢比賽平台外,亦藉著飛鏢維繫全世界熱愛飛鏢的朋友們。 鑑於飛鏢的熱情及支持者給予我們無限的能量,ADA的賽事由開始時不到300多的參賽者, 提升至目前來自20多個不同的國家, 超過1000多人參加。 作為一個飛鏢運動的推手,我們十分感謝一直支持我們的老朋友們,亦十分高興見到來自世界各地的新面孔加入ADA賽事。 ADA以香港為基地,但我們一直努力把ADA的賽事全球化,並積極地和不同的機構合作推廣飛鏢,及將飛鏢融入慈善活動中。 在此, 感謝所有參賽者, 領隊們, 組織者, 及贊助商等多年來對ADA的支持。使得我們可以發光發熱, 不斷創新打造更美好的ADA世界性飛鏢賽事。 Address: Rm 1617, New Commence Center, 19 On Sum Street, Shatin, Hong Kong Telephone: (852) 6021 4383 Fax: (852) 2742 0031 E-Mail: